Friday, January 6, 2012

Project Life 2012

Although I haven't quite finished my 2011 Album (still have around 6 weeks to complete), I am ready and raring to go for 2012!
I found my 2011 approach of documenting events as opposed to a weekly/daily basis suited me well. Some weeks are very busy and I have heaps to add, but other weeks are quiet and it may be more than a week before I put anything in the album. I have one album full and will most likely spread it over 2, given that the last 6 weeks were very busy with lots to add.
Here is my title page for 2012:
Becky Higgins is the genious behind Project Life and has produced 2 design ranges this year- I went with the 'Clementine' Orange Album and already, I love it! I had a little play with my stash; used some digital stamps and brushes from Ali Edwards on the photos before printing them and daddah! A nice bright, fresh start to the new year.
Below are more detailed shots of a couple of cards:
I used 3 cards from the range and added on 2012 from the Thickers Alpha range. Orange is my colour this year, from Lily's room to cushions... I'm loving it!

I thought the camera was perfect for me- I am a bit partial to a photo or two! The number 4 represents our family and the brads are from my stash.

I then used the same Thickers alpha range and stamped the cherubs names. I then thought it could be handy to stamp a few journal cards from the kit with their names on them as, let's be honest... the whole album is all about them! So I know have them ready to grab to write down those funny quotes from Archie and Lily's milestones. Only took 5 minutes, but they will add my personal touch to the album.
Once again, my album will be smothered in photos more than anything and that is how I like it. I may add a bit more bling this year, but I am not going to get stressed if I don't... I just really want to get the important bits in and they are the photos with a few notes to boot. I think if I stick to this goal, I may have time to attack baby albums and other numerous projects I dream of doing.
Hopefully, I can post a few pages here and there and encourage more of you to try it... but be warned... it's highly addictive!
'Til next time...

Tags: [tags]Becky Higgins, Ali Edwards[/tags]


  1. OK you have a convert although I havent even looked at whats in the box yet. I bought Cobalt and some extra journalling cards. Lets see how far I get.
    Yours looks great already!

  2. Love it carls! I really wish u had time to finish 2011 and make a start on 2012 - but the moving must take priority! Can't wait to see your finished 2011!
