Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December Daily update

I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this little project and how much I am learning in Photoshop, just love it!
I am still keeping the pages quite simple and may add to the pages later, but for now it's all about the photos and I am happy with that. The pages below are straight from photoshop. I have then printed them here at home, trimmed them to fit the album and I may add a little sparkle to them as I go...
Here are a few more days that I have completed:

December 3
We had a great afternoon/evening out at Brent and Michelle's place at Sanctuary Lakes, where they had a Christmas party, with fireworks and all. Needless to say, Archie had a ball and even though it was way past his bed time, the fireworks were awesome. Brent is so good with him, I can see Archie will turn to him more and more as he gets older.

December 4
I am yet to finish this page... coming soon!

December 5
We finally got around to putting the tree up! Was lots of fun... I am loving this age with Archie, he is getting the hang of this Christmas stuff... and understands Santa bribes now too, ha!

December 6
This photo just makes me smile... so happy to be together again for the next 6 weeks. Lily and Marcus will have lots of good bonding time together- lovely watching them interact xoxo
There you have it... I am nearly keeping up with it... but I won't speak too soon lol

Monday, December 5, 2011

December Daily

It's been a while since I have had a 'Creative' post... but the last few weeks I have had a surge of evening energy to get going again! I have had lots of projects happening- Project Life Album, Lily's Baby Book, Thank you cards, Christmas Decorations and lastly, December Daily. Ever since I found out about Ali Edwards last year, I have been in awe of everything she creates. Her simplicity is right up my alley. So this Christmas I am attempting a December Daily Album. Everyday day in December, I will create a page & hopefully, by the end of the month, I will have an album to share full of memories. It is a massive task to find time every day to do this, but I am making it as simple as possible and just getting it onto paper... maybe if I have time later, I can add embellishments etc to the pages, but for now I will be over the moon if i can just complete it! Every day I will focus on just one story and document that. Sometimes it will be just a photo, maybe a simple stamp and that's it. Other days, I will journal with photos... what ever takes my fancy really. Most days will have a christmas influence, but not always- whatever is special for that day. I have found a big love for digital scrapping and can forsee that I will create most pages this way.
Already, I am 2 days behind, but I am so excited about this project now that Archie is right into Christmas, I hope I can keep the momentum going... so here goes... what I have created so far...

This is my front cover which I made cutting and staining mdf wood. Once the pages are complete, I will bind it by drilling 2 or 3 rings in left side. I have a box full of bits & pieces to add onto the pages and have decided to go with a red/brown theme.

This is the inside cover- a quick template of photos taken on my iphone...
December 1st
Then this is the first page- I am not 100% happy with it, but i will probably be like that every day...
I just have to move onto the next day and if time permits, I may come back and add extra notes about what she is doing @ 5 months (like cutting 2 teeth as I write!) The photo I love and it speaks more than words... her gorgeous blue eyes and chilled persona... she is one sweet bubba.

December 2nd

Once again, a simple design using iphone photos that I will add to once I am finished the project.
I am nearly finished with the weekends and might even try finish tonights' too... will see how the energy goes in next few hours. Poor Marcus, he has just arrived home tonight and here I am in the study!
Til next time...